Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fourth Annual Silent Auction and French Dessert Tasting Extravaganza

The Back-to-Back Program will be holding our Fourth Annual Silent Auction and French Dessert Tasting Extravaganza on Thursday, November 17th from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Frost Elementary School Gym located at 1226 S. Wisner Street, Jackson, Michigan. This event is open to the public. All proceeds will be used for educational activities and field trips for the French class during their stay in the United States and to support the future of the French Back-to-Back Program.

Please join us for a fun-filled evening and bring your family and friends!

~ Over 60 Silent Auction Items ~
~50/50 Cash Drawing~
~Themed Basket Raffle~
~Special "Kids Items" Table~
~Homemade French Desserts to Taste and
to Purchase~

Program Meeting #1

We had a great first Program Meeting last week. I appreciate all of the parents and students who attended this important meeting. We are well on our way to another successful Silent Auction and French Dessert Tasting Extravaganza on Thursday, November 17th at Frost School. Be sure to bring your family and friends!

Saturday, October 15, 2011


The French Back-to-Back Program has been a part of Jackson Public Schools since 1979 and over 700 families have participated. This year-long adventure provides an excellent learning experience and an opportunity to build memories and friendships that will last a lifetime.

The French Back-to-Back Program in Jackson is part of the French-American Student Exchange Programs organized by la ligue de l'enseignement (La Ligue) in France and French American Student Exchange Programs (FASEP) in the United States.

The American Back-to-Back students learn 5th Grade Curriculum and also study French history, culture and language. The families participate in fundraising activities including the Annual Auction and French Dessert Tasting Extravaganza held in November.

Exchange Program Process:
  • The class from Jackson is paired with a fifth grade class in France.
  • Each child is paired with a French child and will be hosted by that child's family while in France.
  • Children and parents exchange letters and the classes exchange projects.
  • The Jackson class, accompanied by their teacher and an assistant, will visit France for three weeks in the Spring.
  • While in France, the students attend school, visit the region and live with their host families.
  • The French class comes to Jackson for two weeks, attends Frost School, goes on field trips and lives with the American host families.